Air Conditioning:
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Air conditioning: Choosing your air conditioning system

Reading time: 1 mins

No matter what sort of business you run you need to make sure your staff, visitors and customers are comfortable when on your premises. Your choice of an air conditioning or climate control system will depend on the layout of your space.


Air con systems options

  • Ducted air conditioning systems are made to be concealed in suspended ceiling space or under the floor. A popular choice for larger areas, ducted systems are flexible, quiet, and energy efficient, with air-blowing outlets covered by discretely placed grilles.
  • Cassette units are ceiling-mounted units perfect for spaces containing false or suspended ceilings. Multiple units can be fitted to a single external condenser. These air conditioners are also quiet, and most such systems provide heating as well as cooling.
  • Ceiling-mounted units are adapted to small areas with scarce floor and wall space. Virtually soundless, they can be mounted directly on the surface of the ceiling.
  • Wall- and floor-mounted units are common in computer server rooms as well as in offices restaurants. A multiple-unit installation may be connected to a single external condenser depending on the layout of your building.

Combining your air conditioning and heating systems provides several advantages. The initial outlay for a combined system may seem high, but once installed you will reap cost savings from improved efficiency and streamlined maintenance.

It is important to remember that depending on the service you offer you may have more specific air conditioning needs. For example, in a hotel, you will be requiring a system that allows each room to have complete autonomy from the other rooms, often on a large scale and air purification is particularly important in leisure centres, spas and health clubs.