Water Coolers
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Water coolers : Buy, lease or rent your water cooler

Reading time: 2 mins

To help you consider which contract option might suit you best, here are few of the pros and cons of buying, leasing or renting a water cooler or water dispenser.

water cooler purchasing


  • If you buy a water cooler it’s yours, but you will also need a supply contract if it is a bottled water cooler.
  • Unless you have a dedicated facilities team on site, you will also need a service contract, which may involve a biannual check, plus sanitizing and a filter change.
  • If you do buy a water cooler, make sure your supplier offers a helpline and replacement accessories, including components like drip trays and also sanitising kits to help you keep your water cooler free from bacteria such as Legionella.

If you buy your water cooler you may be eligible for tax relief under HMRC’s “Capital allowances relating to building and renovation” which cover “some kitchen equipment”, including “refrigerators and similar equipment”.


  • Lease agreements for water coolers are typically for 3-5 years – and at the end of the lease term you can either renew the lease or buy the water coolers.
  • A lease agreement will usually include biannual servicing, including sanitizing.
  • Lease agreements on water coolers may be eligible for tax exemption
  • Some water cooler suppliers offer annual, half-yearly or quarterly payment terms.


  • With water cooler rental, you will often find that the unit is free and weekly rental fees cover the cost of water refills and cups, plus insurances and a maintenance fee.
  • This can be one of the cheapest ways of installing water coolers in your office, as you will be supplied with a unit without the need to commit to buying outright or leasing for several years.

If you are unsure whether to buy, lease or rent a water cooler, take some time to obtain a range of quotes from different suppliers – and also get an assessment of your business needs from suppliers, which can often flag up more economical solutions, such as installing different types of water dispensers across your business premises.