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The need for a reliable, reasonably-priced source of energy is common to every UK business. Thanks to supply chain complexities, the UK commercial energy market can support only a few large suppliers. The bad news is that those business energy suppliers have all announced major rate hikes in recent months. The good news is that they are working their tails off to woo you away from your current energy company. So what does that mean for a business like yours? That now is the perfect time to shop for a better electricity and/or gas deal!

business energy

How can you keep your business energy costs under control?

Essentially there are two levers to keep business energy costs under control: sourcing and consumption.

  • Competition among the UK’s main business energy suppliers has driven them all to make an effort to win you away from their competitors. That means you now have unprecedented access to comparison tools that should enable you to find a power supplier that satisfies both your needs and your budget.
  • You can also cut your energy bills by taking common-sense steps to reduce consumption. “Smart” meters now let you to track your usage, identify wasteful areas, and make appropriate adjustments. You can also install insulation, turn off lights after hours, and choose cost-cutting offers like dual fuel, paperless billing, and renewable energy credits.

Who are the UK’s main business electricity suppliers?

  • British Gas
  • EDF Energy
  • N.Power
  • E.ON
  • ScottishPower
  • Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE)

Who are the UK’s main business gas suppliers?

  • Corona Energy
  • Total Gas and Power
  • British Gas
  • N Power
  • E.ON

Business energy: what is necessary to make an intelligent choice?

  • Assess your energy needs based on consumption patterns, physical infrastructure, location, etc.
  • Don’t overlook renewable business energy options. Infrastructure is being laid in for sustainable sources like solar and wind, and tax incentives are making them more attractive long-range solutions
  • Review and compare business energy prices. There’s a wealth of information available for the sifting!


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