Sage Epos
Sage is a very popular B2B software publisher which quickly gained a large share of the UK market for credit card processing services. Sage Epos systems are therefore a well established on the market, and include a big number of services and resources.
They are now available for accepting in-store card payment, but also online and MOTO payments. One interesting aspect of the Sage Epos product range is the marketing packaging of in-store payment-processing systems, with a PDQ machine integrated product, a terminal-integrated product, and a cloud-based product.
About Sage
Sage is a British enterprise software company which dates back to 1981. Originally focussed on ERP software, it quickly became a dominant player in Epos systems, which have been diversified so as to accept any payment method.
Sage, from accounting software to Epos
Sage was founded in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1981 by David Goldman, Paul Muller and Graham Wylie, with the latter still a student at the time. The first software products released were accounting programs, but the company soon released other products such as estimating software. The company was listed on the FTSE 100 in 1999, and in 2002 Sage entered the CRM software market. Today, as Sage also started publishing Epos software, Sage distributes complete ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems, only coming third after Oracle and SAP on this market.
One key benefit of Sage Epos is therefore that it seamlessly integrates with Sage accounting software.
Payment methods accepted by Sage Epos
Although Sage was initially known for its credit card processing systems, Sage Epos products now accept all major payment methods:
- face-to-face card machine payments;
- e-invoice payments or payments sent online together with the invoice sporting a “pay now” button;
- mail order and telephone order payments with the virtual terminal;
- online payments.
Sage Epos systems as integrated payment solutions
Besides the fact that they seamlessly integrate with the rest of Sage’s enterprise software offering such as accounting software and ERP, one of the more interesting features of Sage Epos software products is that they are conveniently marketed based on the technology used: integration on the cash register, integration on the terminals, or cloud-based distribution.
Cash register integration Epos
With the “integrated PED” Sage Epos system, the Epos software is installed on every till with a pin-entry device (PED).
This method has the following advantages:
- seamless integration with any Windows-based Epos software;
- support for all major credit and debit card schemes, even China Union Pay;
- support for contactless and mobile payments.
Integrated terminals
With the “integrated terminal” package, the Epos software is installed on a server which is in turn accessed by multiple cash registers.
Benefits include:
- support for any Epos software product;
- support for portable and fixed credit card machines;
- support for contactless and mobile payments.
Cloud systems
With the “cloud connect” product, the software is hosted on Sage’s servers in the cloud, and users only need an internet connection to access and use the service.
- This integrates neatly with any e-commerce website and acts as a bridge with in-store shopping;
- any mobile Epos system is supported;
- as are portable card terminals;
- and many, many credit card and debit card standards.