Discover the most frequently asked Fuel Cards questions
When do fuel cards expire?
Fuel cards usually expire within 12 to 48 month after they are issued, depending on providers. Once businesses receive the cards, it’s the management duty to distribute them to the cardholders.
The fuel cards validity can be tracked and managed very simply by setting alerts with the online management tool or the mobile app made available to the users by the card issuer.
After the fuel cards have expired, they have to be renewed. This too can be automated with the online management and monitoring platform. Most card issuers propose automatic renewal of the fuel cards after they expire.
Another question related to business fuel card expiration is what happens when an employee leaves the company. In this case, the card must be deactivated when this fuel card user leaves the company, in order to avoid any mistake or possibility of fraud. Online tools come in handy in these situations too as they help you save time and minimise billing gaps. Simply deactivate the card from the online platform.
The validity of prepaid fuel cards follows the same pattern: remaining credits will be transferred to the new card. This procedure can be managed from the online platform or with the help of an account manager.
With “no strings-attached” contracts, fuel card expiration is managed very much in the same way and renewals are piloted from the online interface or automated.
Another issue related to fuel card validity concerns business days and operating times. It’s possible to restrain fuel card payments to specific days, and to a specific time range. Depending on cardholder needs (night staff, sales people, maintenance, on-call duty staff) it’s also possible to manage cards on a team basis or on an employee basis.
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