Discover the most frequently asked Fuel Cards questions
What is a multi-brand fuel card?
The first market players in the field of fuel cards were the major oil companies, in order to build up customer loyalty and tie his customers to their specific network. As fuel expenses represent a large entry in the accounting books of some organisations, and a source of administrative complexities, the fuel card market quickly became more diversified and multi-brand business fuel cards were introduced.
Today, some multi-network providers propose fuel cards which can be used in the networks of several select partner networks. They can therefore not be used in any petrol station.
Among these multi-brand fuel cards, cards issued by associations of partner oil companies can be found, as well as cards issued by services companies specialised in the management of business expenses. The multi-brand fuel card combines the experience of oil companies and that of the enterprise solutions provider. Shell, BP and Esso do provide multi-brand fuel cards, as well as companies like The Right Fuel Card Company, UK Fuels or Fuel Genie.
Multi-brand business fuel cards offer the benefit of a wider geographical coverage, with more filling stations. But using multi-brand fuel cards may also bring a bigger choice of additional services. This can be verified with cards issued by The Right Fuelcard Company, now that it has become a subsidiary of Edenred, which has a strong experience in services like luncheon vouchers, and the online tools and applications that allow better day-to-day management of professional expenses.
The price of multi-brand fuel cards is not a discriminating factor: most providers ask for a very low subscription fee. In order to identify the best multi-brand fuel card for your company, it’s better focus on such selection criteria as ease of use of the fuel card and included services.
In order to make the selection process easier for decision makers, Companeo does offer an online solution which brings you many fuel card quotes so that you can compare these products yourself.
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