Discover the most frequently asked Fuel Cards questions
Using a business fuel card on an everyday basis: how does it work?
In order to simplify the management of corporate fuel expenses and optimise vehicle fleet monitoring, fuel cards are a wise and easy to introduce tool. Using the cards on a daily basis is also very straightforward.
Business fuel cards can be used by:
- Salaried staff with company vehicle,
- Employees who have to drive service vehicles,
- Company staff driving company vans or utility vehicles.
Some rules need to be observed regarding how to use fuel cards, as they represent a means of payment made available to staff on duty. These limitations apply:
- Company car drivers may only use the card on business days,
- The same limitation applies to salaried staff using the card to pay for their daily home-office commuting,
- In order to minimise the risk of mistakes, and restrict the use of fuel cards to business days, card issuers usually have an option to ring-fence the card operating days. However, it’s always advisable to check the invoice to see whether the card has been used for private expenses.
On a day-to-day basis, cards are very user-friendly: they are chip-and-pin cards which work just like any other payment card. Cardholding salaried staff must enter the vehicle ID before paying, and sometimes also vehicle mileage.
Card issuers work with several filling stations and fuel distribution networks. Before choosing a fuel card, it’s a wise thing to do to make sure that enough partner petrol stations are available in and around the area where the card will be used.
If users observe these simple conditions, using business fuel cards will be child’s play, and generate performance in overall operations within the client company.
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